Serpent Prosperity Collection

Serpent Prosperity Collection

14 products
14 products

**Statues Blessed for Prosperity, Wealth, and Abundance**

Shar Khentrul Rinpoche will consecrate and bless Naga Statues along with various forms of Zhambhala statues for offering practices and for practitioners’ home shrines during the upcoming Serpent Year Prosperity White Zhambhala Empowerment and Naga Offering Puja. This event will take place on January 26, 2025, at the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute.

Pre-Order Before January 25th Event - Shipping Guarantee
Those who wish to bring home the conditions for prosperity can pre-order one here to be picked up or shipped following the New Year Celebrations. If it does not ship out by January 29th then your shipping is free. 

Explore our collection of statues available for purchase here.

Painted Naga Statue - Large Consecrated
White Dzhambhala Statue - Small Consecrated - Copper Colored
White Dzhambhala Statue - 7" Consecrated - Golden Color
White Dzhambhala Statue with Glass Bowl (Blessed)
5 Dzambhala Glass Practice Set - Consecrated
Yellow Dzambhala Statue - 7" inch Medium Consecrated
Yellow Dzhambhala Statue - Large Consecrated
Zhambhala Statue - Medium Consecrated & Painted
Zhambhala Statue - Medium Consecrated - Gold Metal
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Golden Naga Statue - Large Consecrated
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Gold Bronze
Naga Statue - Small Blessed
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Red Dzambhala Statue - Medium Consecrated
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