Chyawanprash Yogi Jam is a delicious tonic that has been enjoyed for centuries in India, traditionally taken after meals.
The main ingredient, Amla (Indian Gooseberry), is renowned for its tonic and antioxidant properties. Fresh (not dried) sun-ripened Amla is combined with a blend of 34 herbs and spices and manufactured in the traditional manner without the use of preservatives or artificial flavors.
The ingredients in Yogi Jam Chyawanprash are mainly wild-crafted and are only accepted after careful testing. Traditionally enjoyed after meals, it makes a delicious drink added to milk. There are many Chyawanprash’s available but we believe this to be the finest product with the full traditional component of ingredients.
Packed in a large glass jar.
500g net.
Ingredients: Amla, Ayurvedically-prepared Cane Sugar, Sesame Oil, Ghee, Raw Honey, Indian Arrowroot, Long Pepper, Himalayan Fritillary, Cinnamon, Indian Bay Leaf, Cardamom, Cobra’s Saffron, Malabar Nut, Bidarikand, Haritaki, Guduchi, Indrayan, Hog Weed, Pushkarmoola, Grape Vine, Holostemma creeper, Stone Breaker Plant, Solomons Seal, Pistachio Tree, Green Gram, Cowpea, False Pickerelweed, Nutgrass, Country Mallow, Small Caltrops, Brinjal, Wild Brinjal, Tick Clover, Creek Premna, Yellow Snake Tree, Kashmir Tree, Indian Trumpet Plant, Bael Fruit, Moovila.